Istotna informacja dotycząca spółki zależnej / Material information regarding subsidiary
Zarząd AerFinance informuje, iż w dniu 29 lipca 2011 podjął wiadomość, iż spółka zależna AerTech SAS z siedzibą we Francji, uzyskała z francuskiego urzędu nadzoru lotniczego (DGAC) zgodę na rozszerzenie uprawnień do obsługi samolotów o typ Boeing 737. Spółka AerTech SAS obecnie negocjuje z operatorami maszyn Boeing 737 umowy na stałą obsługę techniczna. AerTech SAS posiada już uprawnienia do wykonywania napraw i przeglądów na samolotach Jetstream 32, ATR-42, BAE 146, Avro RJ.
Podstawa prawna
§ 3 ust. 1 Załącznika nr 3 do Regulaminu Alternatywnego Systemu Obrotu.
The Management Board of AerFinance PLC announces that on 29th of July 2011 company received information that AerTech SAS, wholly owned by subsidiary of AerFinance plc, received from the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) today extended the maintenance approvals, to cover the Boeing 737 series aircraft. The company is already in talks with various interested parties to service their Boeing 737 fleets, which now can be finalized. AerTech already maintains Jetstream 32, ATR-42 and BAE 146, Avro RJ .
Legal basis:
§ 3 item 1 of the Appendix 3 to Regulations of the Alternative Trading System
Podstawa prawna
§ 3 ust. 1 Załącznika nr 3 do Regulaminu Alternatywnego Systemu Obrotu.
The Management Board of AerFinance PLC announces that on 29th of July 2011 company received information that AerTech SAS, wholly owned by subsidiary of AerFinance plc, received from the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) today extended the maintenance approvals, to cover the Boeing 737 series aircraft. The company is already in talks with various interested parties to service their Boeing 737 fleets, which now can be finalized. AerTech already maintains Jetstream 32, ATR-42 and BAE 146, Avro RJ .
Legal basis:
§ 3 item 1 of the Appendix 3 to Regulations of the Alternative Trading System