2014-04-30 21:33 |
Annual audited consolidated financial report as of 31.12.2013 |
2014-04-22 10:00 |
Correction in the supplement documents to the annual audited non-consilidated financial reports for 2013 |
2014-04-22 10:00 |
Correction in the supplement documents to the annual audited non-consilidated financial reports for 2013 |
2014-04-02 17:42 |
Annual audited non-consilidated financial reports for 2013 |
2014-04-02 17:42 |
Annual audited non-consilidated financial reports for 2013 |
2014-03-31 22:40 |
Annual non-consolidated financial report as of 31.12.2013 |
2014-03-31 22:40 |
Annual non-consolidated financial report as of 31.12.2013 |
2014-03-20 17:30 |
New member of the Board of Directors |
2014-03-20 17:30 |
New member of the Board of Directors |
2014-03-17 21:19 |
Minutes from the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of ICPD held on March 14, 2014. |
2014-03-17 21:19 |
Minutes from the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of ICPD held on March 14, 2014. |
2014-02-28 21:40 |
Consolidated Financial Report for Q4 2013 |
2014-02-28 21:40 |
Consolidated Financial Report for Q4 2013 |
2014-02-05 21:53 |
Convocation of an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's shareholders |
2014-02-05 21:53 |
Convocation of an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's shareholders |
2014-01-31 21:57 |
Correction of interim non-consolidated financial reports for Q4 2013 |
2014-01-31 21:57 |
Correction of interim non-consolidated financial reports for Q4 2013 |
2014-01-31 00:04 |
Quarterly report to the Company's bondholders |
2014-01-31 00:04 |
Quarterly report to the Company's bondholders |
2014-01-31 00:01 |
Interim non-consolidated financial report as of 31.12.2013 |
2014-01-31 00:01 |
Interim non-consolidated financial report as of 31.12.2013 |
2013-12-18 18:34 |
Disclosure of information under Art.4 of the Bulgarain Law on the Public Offering of Securties |
2013-12-18 18:34 |
Disclosure of information under Art.4 of the Bulgarain Law on the Public Offering of Securties |
2013-12-10 17:50 |
Interest and amortization payment made on a corporate bond issue of the Company |
2013-12-10 17:50 |
Interest and amortization payment made on a corporate bond issue of the Company |
2013-12-02 17:56 |
Consolidated Financial Report for Q3 2013 |
2013-12-02 17:56 |
Consolidated Financial Report for Q3 2013 |
2013-11-13 17:32 |
Interest and amortization payment on a corporate bond issue of the Company |
2013-11-13 17:32 |
Interest and amortization payment on a corporate bond issue of the Company |
2013-10-31 18:47 |
Correction of interim non-consolidated financial reports for Q3 2013 |